When using your PC, have you ever encountered such annoying runtime errors? These errors are very irritating, resulting in a complete device crash afterward. To proceed, we have to re-start our framework. But is there any other way to permanently remove these mistakes?

We’re going to learn about Runtime Error 429 today, which is usually found on the Microsoft Windows operating system. It doesn’t matter which version of Windows you have. This error will occur in any version of Windows. So, how can this mistake be avoided? What are the triggers? How are we going to correct this error? This will be addressed here today and all other sorts of necessary stuff about this runtime error 429. Read on to find out more about this mistake.

Why runtime error 429 Occurs ?

Because of the ActiveX or Part Object Model DLL(COM) that is accessed and is not recorded on your device, Runtime error 429 can affect your system.

In short, we may assume that this error can occur when the automation object request can not be made by the COM. But the good thing is that not all programmes make this mistake.

How to Fix Runtime Error 429?

  • The first step is to update a version of Microsoft .NET Platform 2.0 or higher.
  • Reboot your system and remove the files that are in the Temp folder on your system after the above process is completed successfully (The Temp folder is usually situated in C:\Windows\Temp).
  • If you still can’t find the folder, you can press Start > Run > and enter the Percent Percent Temp box.
  • Reinstall a bundle of components on your machine which also includes DLL control. Your DLL file will be recorded on your device via this process.

If you are still unable to register a DLL file, you will need to try this manual procedure to register the DLL file. Keep reading and implementing the steps below on your device.

  • You can run the command window as an Administrator Option (in Start > Programs > Accessories, you can easily access this option).
  • Then, from the Windows\System directory, modify the directory DLL. You can scan for it on Windows\syswow64 if you are running a 64 bit device.
  • After you have entered the command prompt, you have to enter REGSVR32 file.dll. File.dll is the name that should be registered here.
  • If you receive a DIIRegisterServer entry-point DLL error after running REGSVR32 on your device. This is an indication that you have registered with RegAsm.exe successfully.

So, after following the above steps correctly, the 429 runtime error problem will be solved completely.

How to Avoid runtime error 429 ?

The easiest way to prevent this mistake is to run an antivirus scan on your PC every day or once your PC starts. Such antivirus continues to report the customer whether on their PC they are facing such kinds of mistake. For certain kinds of cases, antiviruses are already fitted with a patch button for a few days. Overall, I would recommend that you do a regular check on your PC to prevent mistakes.

For now, that’s it. Hope you enjoyed this post and obtained all sorts of information on Runtime Error 429, how to repair, how to prevent, and the most important causes of this error. You can leave a comment below in the comment box given below if you have some sort of query. Finally, please share this post with your colleagues…

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