This post is particularly intended for smartphone users of Windows 10. Maybe you’ll get to see Try again, that something went wrong. In case you need it, the Error Code is 0x80073cf9. When attempting to update every software from the Windows App Store, not just Windows 10 but also Windows 8.1 users get this bug.

Let’s face it, it’s stressful for everyone. Via the Shop, you are not able to update your all essential app on your PC phone. No more anger, because most of us are unaware of an easy solution to the mistake.

Windows app store error 0x80073cf9

If you’re using Lumia 950 XL or Lumia 640, in the app store, you could get the error too. But, we are here to assist you.

Fixing Error code 0x80073cf9 in Windows 8.1/10

The solution to this mistake is very simple. Changing the data from an SD card to internal storage is what you need to do. App creators also don’t encourage you to load them on your SD Card. You have no choice other than to mount it on the internal memory.
As internal memory is almost full, users may want to load future applications on SD cards. But, in order to get rid of the 0x80073cf9 bug, one has to free up some internal memory space.

Some programmes are only planned for installation on internal memory. Installing the app in internal memory has its own benefits, such as that the app would not fall behind relative to the app on external memory enabled. So now let’s see how to adjust Windows Phone Storage.

Switching Storage to Patch 0x80073cf99 error code

Step 1: Go to Setup

Step 2: Scroll down and press the Storage button.

Step 3: Now, just switch from the SD Card to internal.

Step 4: Have your phone rebooted (Optional).

Step 5: Restart the Windows Store and, without any issues, download the game.

It is that. You just solved Error 0x80073cf9 in 5 Simple Steps on Windows 10 or 8 tablets. As having external storage to mount the software can only be a concern, the approach seems to work. Well, please let us know what you think of this process. If it has helped you overcome the dilemma, let us know in the following comments.

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