Are you tired of having multiple windows open and cluttering up your desktop? Do you struggle to keep track of all the different applications and documents you have open at once? If so, Windows 10 Window Manager might just be the solution for you. This powerful tool allows you to easily organize and manage your open windows, making it easier than ever to stay productive and focused. In this blog post, we’ll dive into what exactly Windows 10 Window Manager is, how to use it effectively, some tips and tricks for getting the most out of it, as well as explore some alternatives in case it’s not quite right for your needs. So let’s get started!

What is Windows 10 Window Manager?

Windows 10 Window Manager is a built-in feature of the Windows 10 operating system that allows you to easily organize and manage your open windows. It provides users with a simple way to arrange their desktop, resize windows, and snap them into place.

One of the key features of Windows 10 Window Manager is its ability to create virtual desktops. This means you can have multiple workspaces on your computer, each with different applications or documents open. For example, you could have one virtual desktop for work-related tasks and another for personal use.

Another useful feature of the Window Manager is its ability to snap windows into position automatically. By dragging an application window to one side or corner of your screen, it will automatically resize and take up half or a quarter of the available space depending on where it’s dragged.

Additionally, Windows 10 Window Manager offers keyboard shortcuts that allow users to quickly switch between virtual desktops or rearrange open windows without using a mouse. This powerful tool can be incredibly useful in increasing productivity by helping users stay organized and focused while working on their computers.

How to use Windows 10 Window Manager

Windows 10 Window Manager is a powerful tool that helps you efficiently manage your open windows, streamlining your workspace and enhancing productivity. Learning how to use this feature can be incredibly beneficial for multitasking.

To start using Windows 10 Window Manager, simply right-click on the taskbar at the bottom of your screen. Then, select “Show windows stacked” or “Show windows side by side.” This will automatically organize all open applications either vertically or horizontally.

Another helpful aspect of Windows 10 Window Manager is Snap Assist. To utilize it, click and hold the title bar of any open window and drag it to one edge of your screen until an outline appears. Release the mouse button to snap that window into place, taking up half of the screen space.

Keyboard shortcuts also make navigating Windows 10 Window Manager a breeze. Pressing Win + Left Arrow snaps an active application to the left half while Win + Right Arrow snaps it to the right half. You can even move through quadrants with combinations like Win + Up Arrow followed by Win + Right Arrow.

Mastering these simple steps will allow you to harness all that Windows 10 Window Manager has to offer when managing multiple tasks simultaneously!

Tips and Tricks for Windows 10 Window Manager

Windows 10 Window Manager is a powerful tool that can increase productivity and make multitasking easier. Here are some tips and tricks to help you make the most of this feature.

Firstly, you can easily snap windows into place by dragging them to the side or corner of your screen. This will automatically resize and position the window in a way that maximizes available space on your desktop.

Secondly, it’s possible to cycle through open windows using keyboard shortcuts. Press “Alt + Tab” to switch between recently used apps or “Ctrl + Alt + Tab” for all open apps.

Another useful trick is creating custom layouts for frequently-used applications. By opening multiple instances of an app and arranging them on different parts of your screen, you can save time switching between them later.

Windows 10 Window Manager also allows users to create virtual desktops for different tasks or projects they’re working on. Just click “Task View” on the taskbar and select “+ New Desktop.” Then drag windows onto the new desktop as needed.

By applying these tips and tricks, Windows 10 Window Manager becomes even more versatile – helping streamline workflows while saving time and effort!

Alternatives to Windows 10 Window Manager

If you’re looking for alternatives to Windows 10 Window Manager, there are a few options available. One popular alternative is the free and open-source tool called AquaSnap. This program offers similar features as Window Manager, such as window snapping and resizing, but it also includes additional customization options.

Another option is DisplayFusion, which has both a free and paid version. DisplayFusion allows users to manage multiple monitors with customizable taskbars and hotkeys for quickly moving windows between screens.

For Mac users, there’s Magnet – an affordable app that enables window management via simple keyboard shortcuts or drag-and-drop gestures.

If you prefer a more minimalist approach, Rectangle might be worth checking out. It’s an open-source tool that adds basic window-snapping functionality to macOS without any bells or whistles.

While Windows 10 Window Manager provides a lot of useful features for managing windows on your computer screen, these alternatives offer different functionalities that may better suit your needs depending on what you’re looking for in terms of usability and customization options.


The Windows 10 Window Manager is a valuable tool for users who need to manage multiple windows on their desktop. With its simple keyboard shortcuts and intuitive interface, it allows for greater productivity and organization.

While there are alternative window managers available, such as DisplayFusion and AquaSnap, Windows 10’s built-in option provides enough features for most users. However, if you require more advanced customization options or have specific needs that aren’t met by the default manager, it may be worth exploring these alternatives.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to use Windows 10’s Window Manager or another option comes down to personal preference and work style. Regardless of which method you choose, taking advantage of window management tools can help streamline your workflow and make multitasking a breeze.