Are you tired of cluttered and disorganized windows on your computer screen? Look no further than the Desktop Window Manager, a powerful tool built into Windows 10 that can help you manage your open windows like a pro. Whether you’re multitasking for work or simply trying to keep track of multiple projects at once, the Desktop Window Manager can streamline your workflow and boost productivity. In this blog post, we’ll dive into what exactly the Desktop Window Manager is, how to use it effectively, its pros and cons, and alternative options available. Let’s get started!

What is the Desktop Window Manager?

The Desktop Window Manager, or DWM for short, is a graphical component of Windows that manages the display and organization of open windows on your computer. It was first introduced with Windows Vista and has since been included in all subsequent versions of the operating system.

At its core, the Desktop Window Manager uses hardware acceleration to render window displays more efficiently than previous versions of Windows. This means that even when you have multiple windows open at once, your computer’s performance won’t slow down as much as it would without DWM enabled.

In addition to improved performance, the Desktop Window Manager also offers some nifty features like Aero Snap and Peek. Aero Snap allows you to quickly resize and arrange windows by dragging them to different areas of your screen while Peek lets you preview open windows without actually switching to them.

The Desktop Window Manager is an essential part of modern Windows computing that makes managing multiple tasks easier than ever before.

How to Use the Desktop Window Manager

To use the Desktop Window Manager in Windows 10, you must first ensure that it is enabled. To do so, right-click on your desktop and select “Display settings.” Scroll down until you see the option for “Advanced display settings.” Click on this and then click on “Display adapter properties.”

In the new window that opens up, navigate to the tab labeled “Troubleshoot.” Here, you will find an option to enable or disable hardware acceleration. Make sure this option is checked/enabled to ensure that the Desktop Window Manager is functioning properly.

Once enabled, you can start using the features of the Desktop Window Manager. One such feature is Aero Snap, which allows you to quickly snap windows to either side of your screen by dragging them over with your mouse.

Another useful feature is Task View. By pressing Win + Tab on your keyboard or clicking on its icon in your taskbar, Task View allows you to easily switch between open applications and create virtual desktops for better organization.

Learning how to use the Desktop Window Manager can greatly improve productivity and efficiency when working with multiple windows and applications simultaneously on a single screen.

Pros and Cons of the Desktop Window Manager

The Desktop Window Manager (DWM) is a feature of the Windows operating system that manages the display of graphical elements on the screen. Like any software component, it has its advantages and disadvantages.

One of the main benefits of DWM is its ability to reduce resource usage by offloading some tasks from applications to itself. This results in better performance and stability for users, especially when dealing with multiple open windows or running graphics-intensive applications like games.

Another advantage is that DWM provides smooth animations and transitions between different states of windows. For example, minimizing or restoring a window looks much smoother with DWM enabled than without it.

On the other hand, one downside of DWM is increased memory usage compared to previous versions of Windows that did not use it. Additionally, enabling certain features like transparency effects can negatively impact battery life on laptops.

Furthermore, some users may find that disabling DWM entirely improves their experience due to personal preferences or compatibility issues with specific software.

While there are both pros and cons associated with using Desktop Window Manager as part of your desktop environment setup on Windows 10 – understanding them will help you make informed decisions about whether this feature suits your needs as an end-user.

Alternatives to the Desktop Window Manager

Although the Desktop Window Manager is a powerful tool for managing windows in Windows 10, there are alternatives available that may suit certain users’ needs better. One popular alternative is the AquaSnap window manager, which offers similar features such as snapping and resizing windows, but also includes additional customization options like creating custom snap areas.

Another option is the WindowGrid window manager, which allows users to divide their screen into customizable grids where they can easily drag and drop open windows. This can be particularly helpful for multitasking or working on multiple projects at once.

Users who prefer a more minimalist approach may opt for Rectangle, a free and open-source window manager that lets you resize and move windows using customizable keyboard shortcuts without any distracting graphics or menus.

Ultimately, the best alternative to the Desktop Window Manager will depend on each user’s specific needs and preferences. It’s worth exploring different options to find one that suits your workflow and enhances your productivity.


The Desktop Window Manager is a crucial component of Windows 10 that helps manage and organize all your windows efficiently. Its features such as Aero Peek, Aero Snap and taskbar previews make multitasking easier and more productive.

Although there are some downsides to using the Desktop Window Manager, such as high CPU usage when running multiple programs simultaneously, its advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

If you want to improve your productivity on Windows 10 and simplify your work environment with easy window management options, then give the Desktop Window Manager a try. With this tool at your disposal, you’ll be sure to get things done faster and more effectively than ever before!