PC security was the biggest challenge for customers in recent times after the Wanna Cry ransomware that hit major companies such as the NHS a year ago, and Petya, a new ransomware attack that shook the digital world. You don’t have anything to worry about when you are looking to patch, update and install the right security software.

This article is the right one if you are using a Mac device and you do not know which antivirus is the right device to meet your request. Please read more about Mac OS’s best 2019 Antivirus programs.

Is there an antivirus needed in Mac’s?

Many Mac enthusiasts say Apple PCs are innately safe and no additional security system is needed. We would argue they’re wrong.

For two reasons, Mac OS-based systems are mostly secured than Windows. MacOS is a Unix-based work framework, technically speaking. MacOS is sandboxed as a Unix-based work frame.

It looks like there is progression of fire entries, and it doesn’t spread into the core of your machine whether malware has any access to your Mac. It is a myth that Mac systems are not impervious but more difficult to misuse than Windows PCs.

The second is that there are currently far fewer Macs than Windows PCs. Less goals and more difficult to hack.

For cyber criminals the greater the space they can find for exploring their ways of infecting the Mac environment with high chances of potential risks and the greater the usability of Mac products.

WannaCry was quiet in 2017, and Petya’s news broke again in late June. WannaCry was silent. In June also customers were warned of new malware variations that will be focused on Macs following distribution on the Dark Web by the security companies Fortinet and AlienVault.

A Malwarebytes report in August 2017 shows Mac malware has increased by 230% since July 2016. Digital security is therefore more essential than ever in recent memory, and all you need to be sure is a decent antivirus.

  1. Norton Mac Antivirus

Norton antivirus is Symantec antivirus. The latest report confirms that 100 percent of viruses have been detected in Norton. It also does not reduce system performance, which increases user confidence to ensure that your Mac systems remain safe without downtime.


  • Secures Macs, PCs, Android and IOS devices using only one product
  • If the app is suspect before downloading it, it notifies users.
  • Warns users about scams and suspect activities via social media

Obstructions Antivirus for Mac

This is another malware safeguard for Mac–Kaspersky infected and maliciously downloaded software. It provides also more secure banking software with a 30 day test offer, anti-spyware.


Provides no impact on performance Easy to set up and configure Block and unknown files and Mac

  1. Bitdefender Antivirus

One of the best antiviruses for Mac is Bitdefender Antivirus. Bitdefender Antivirus blocked and rejected 100% of the risks posed by the Testing Laboratory (AV-Test Laboratory), as were Comodo, Kaspersky and Norton.


Multi-level protection blocks and deletes molesting adware

Doesn’t interfere with, and lower performance

Provides complete security protection during the on-line purchase

  1. Intego Mac Internet Security X9

Consistent cloud protection

The main antivirus tested by AV-Test to find out how it was infected by 100% was integrated.

Nevertheless, you can select a free trial offer if you want to try it yourself and see if you are happy with the machine performance speed with Intego working.

  1. Trend Micro Antivirus for Mac

Trend Micro works very well to identify 99.5% of infections per AV-test, which means it is just a little bit behind the top performers.

However, it’s a little on the expensive side, at £ 49.95 for one over a year system and no free trial is available. However, a 30-day trial with a cash back offer is still going on.

  1. Sophos

Antivirus is also one of the industry’s best security programs to identify and encounter 98.4% of malicious threats. Antivirus is also the most important product.

The performance of the system has no significant impact. This could be enough to see what the difference depends on what type of machine you have.

Features: Deletes viruses, cheap horses, ranchers and any other malicious apps and software’s from advanced computer security.

Proactive security of Easy to install and Manage Suspicious Content

  1. ESET

ESET is a paid-in Mac antivirus version. This is cost effective security software, ensuring outsmart recognition of 98.4% of hazards and high performance in speed testing.

For £ 29.99 for one device / year you can get ESET cyber security. You can use the 30-day trial period before you buy the software.