How to adjust Canon 7D portrait settings?

Since its introduction, Canon’s EOS 7D has won love and honour. It is known by semi-professional and professional photographers as one of the most respected APS-C EOS DSLRs. EOS 7D has already been updated to the latest Firmware Version 2.0.X, which has led to an improved level of feature changes. Now, with a maximum burst rate of 25* RAW images and 130* for Large/Fine JPEG images, you can fire continuously.

Portrait photography settings with Canon EOS 7D

Step 1.Choosing the right lens and using the frame properly

The right lens has a profound influence on the quality of the portrait. A wide-angle lens will distort the features of the subject, triggering an uncomplimentary picture. You require a Canon 7D compatible lens that is engineered for portrait photography. The better choice will possibly be the 85mm f/1.8 Portrait Lens (Hey! It’s on Amazon). Preferably, you may have a longer focal range. Even, if the subject is taller, transform your Canon DSLR camera vertically. If you focus on the composition, a fascinating outcome can be provided by putting the subject on the side of the picture.

Step 2.Staying away from the midday sun

If you have a dream to shoot at noon, let us remind you that the scorching sun will do stuff to the faces of your subjects to find faults. Direct sunshine is able to easily reveal the shadow spots. During other daytime and overcast skies, you can get better details, smooth skin tones, softer shadows. You’ve just got to change the white balance.

Step 3.Noticing the background

The whole portrait shot can be destroyed by a pretty face with a defective backdrop. Therefore, search the subject’s context and change accordingly. Often, offer meaning to the facets of the subject other than the face that speaks of the personality of the individual. For instance: Hands

Step 4.Shooting at the subject’s level:

If you shoot children’s pictures from an adult’s eye height, it is a mistake. At their standard, take your Canon 7D. Plus, it’s possible to go near and fill your photo. Shoot from a foot away, zoom in and encapsulate the details. Going up, down and horizontally. On the grass, lay flat. To get a unique shot, try different peaks and lows.

Step 5.Catching the candid moments

Portrait photography is not just your camera looking at a guy. Your shots may be wonderful for candid moments, so you have to hunt them. Let themselves be your subjects. Using the quicker shutter speed to record their initial gestures.


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