It is important to learn more about the help desk system before deciding on whether to invest or not. It’s more than a tool for customer service. Both the employees and customers who require assistance play a crucial role in this service. These are just a few of the things you need to know about customer service.

Helpdesk Definition

A helpdesk allows companies to quickly and effectively answer clients’ questions and concerns. They not only handle the communication aspect of users but also ensure that any planned outages or changes to services are addressed.

Help desk systems typically have a wide focus to provide users with the best IT support possible. It provides central resources that can track, analyze, and facilitate the resolution of problems. Technical support centers, support functions, and product warranties, as well as facilities service centers, are all examples of help desks. They can be reached via email, instant messaging, toll-free phone numbers, and instant messaging.

The help desk offers functionalities that provide insight into customer experiences. They also optimize the performance and efficiency of support teams to ensure they deliver exceptional service. Supporting customers is one of the most important programs.

Different types of help desks

Many factors go into determining the type of help desk server system. These include the deployment method, size of the company, target users, and customer support function. These are the different types of help desk software.

Web Help Desk

This cloud-based software or software-as-a-service (SaaS) helpdesk is rented on a subscription basis. Users can scale up easily, which saves them money over the long term. Companies that require technical support, system maintenance, upgrade, and data backup can rent the program.

On-premise Helpdesk

This is software that a company purchases and installs itself. The help desk is managed by the company and is responsible for system maintenance and overall operation.

Enterprise Help Desk

This software provides more than the basics. This software addresses customer concerns, manages IT assets, and responds to service requests. Many enterprise help desk solutions can be modified to fit a company’s workflow.

Open Source Helpdesk

Developers can access the source code of open source help desk software without having to pay for licenses or ask for permissions. This reduces the dependencies of developers and makes it easier to modify and improve the software.

Helpdesk ticket types

It is helpful to categorize customer support tickets when organizing them. Sorting tickets by an issue are the most popular way to categorize them. Depending on their business, other organizations may sort tickets by product, department, or customer.

Software companies may organize tickets by issue. This could mean sorting them into bugs or sales questions, how to, feature requests and cancellations, as well as technical issues. It may also be necessary to sort through tickets for online shops into pre-sale and purchase questions, shipping, return, vendor availability, affiliate, and other questions.

Best Helpdesk Software for 2021

Businesses and enterprises can use the best help desk software to efficiently manage customer support requests. This is the 2021 best help desk software.


Zendesk, a cloud-based help desk application, turns customer service into agents of client retention. You can manage all customer interactions from one interface, with complete features like web widgets and pre-defined ticket responses.

Its flexible plans make it an ideal choice for all businesses. It includes a chat and call center solution, a help desk, and knowledge base modules, which can be scaled separately.


Freshservice, an online IT support desk, provides powerful ticketing and asset management capabilities for organizations, including auto-discovery and configuration management. It also offers enhanced impact analysis and strong configuration management.

Freshservice’s unique features make it stand out among others, such as easy ticketing customer problems, managing communications across multiple channels and automating repetitive help desk tasks, and customizing workflows to suit customers and agents.

InvGate Service Desk

InvGate Service Desk is an ITIL-compliant cloud service desk software that allows organizations to manage, analyze and automate IT support.

It has many great features, including a customizable SLA management system to ensure you provide the right level of service to your clients; a knowledge base from past events; InvGate Natural Language Technology which suggests solutions for real-time tickets; and it can help accelerate your ITIL initiatives.


HelpDesk promotes collaboration within your company. You can use tags to add notes and assign tickets to specific people. Also, you can record responses. To ensure maximum security, the device encrypts all data using a 256-bit SSL protocol. Your agents can save time and provide excellent customer service with the Help Desk.

Vision Helpdesk

Vision Helpdesk, a business help desk platform, is designed to increase customer support through its high-quality functionalities. You will find all the tools that you need for customer support, progress monitoring, and process development.

It has basic help desk capabilities and an incident and problem management function that automates responses and coordinates service tickets. You can also create forums and knowledge bases for customers using the self-help group feature.


LiveAgent can personalize customer interactions with helpdesk software. It unifies all communication channels such as email, chat, and social media into one inbox. It is an all-in-one support desk solution that supports clients at all stages of their journey. LiveAgent’s basic plan costs about $15 per month. This is the best solution for companies that want to increase customer loyalty, satisfaction, and sales.


HappyFox, another big competitor in the helpdesk market, is known for its extensive feature set and ease of use. It offers ticket management tools that can be used both manually and automatically. HappyFox was once the only app that could integrate with third-party applications. However, web apps have evolved and so has HappyFox. Although they still provide integration with many customer relationship management (CRM), single sign-on (SSO), and other providers, their offerings are limited in areas like analytics, chat, or SMS.


CommBox is a helpdesk that focuses on messaging and customer service. It’s designed to facilitate communication between clients and you. CommBox allows you to conduct seamless, omnichannel communication between sales, marketing, IT, and customers from anywhere. You can resolve tickets wherever it is most convenient for you, via chat, email, video, speech, and SMS as well as other digital channels.

Agiloft Service Desk

Agiloft Agile Service Desk Suite is an integrated helpdesk solution that ensures efficient and alert operations. The components of the Agiloft Agile Service Desk Suite form one structure that keeps records of the IT service process and provides a dashboard to monitor the entire workflow. The Agiloft Agile Services Desk Suite’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to find answers quickly. It also displays important data in easily digestible formats. Agiloft Agile Service Desk Suite can scale and adapt to meet changing organizational needs.


ITarian is known for providing the best help desk solutions. This software is used by many businesses and is a popular choice. ITarian lets users create tickets to report incidents and problems, and then resolve them instantly. ITarian can help with service requests, changes, and SLAs.

It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is, you can benefit from its data-driven and automation-oriented functions to improve your overall performance. The help desk application has many features but is simple to use even for those with limited technical knowledge. ITarian is the ideal choice for companies that strive to exceed customer expectations.

Organizations that are more department-centric in solving problems may have categories such as software development, sales, human resources, information technology, shipping, and mailroom.

Some organizations also use product categorization. This might require further categorization by issue. For example, Sales Question A for Product B or Sales Question C for Product C.

What are the benefits of help desk software?

It can be difficult to handle customer questions and concerns with multiple email accounts and customer service agents. Helpdesk systems consolidate all interactions with one interface, which makes it easier to manage. It makes it easy to automate and categorize employees’ and customers’ problems and monitor their progress. This tool is designed to reduce the chaos and improve the efficiency of customer service agents by reducing the number of tickets.

History of Helpdesk Management System

Companies provided customer support before helpdesk apps were invented. Customers used to interact with the store in person when they purchased their products.

Before dedicated computers were created to help customers, businesses used technical tools such as dub terminals that could be connected to the mainframe, telephones, and typewriters. To address customer concerns, businesses assign specific staff.

Twenty years after the invention of the telephone in 1876, customers still use telephone switchboards to voice their concerns to businesses.

Call centers were established in the 1960s to answer customers’ questions and address their problems. The interactive voice response technology, which was developed a decade later, greatly improved customer service.

Businesses began to outsource customer support to other countries before the 1980s.

Helpdesks were not invented until the 1990s. Further progress was made with the advent of email, the World Wide Web, and chat support. This technological advancement saw the rise of helpdesk software which became very popular in the 2000s.

Social media has become more popular since 2008. This brought about a higher level of customer service. Businesses can quickly address customer feedback via social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Businesses now have a dedicated helpdesk software program that provides customer support.

How can a helpdesk increase your team’s productivity and efficiency?

Because they can increase employees’ productivity in these ways, helpdesks are a worthwhile investment:

  • Automate workflows. It is much easier than having to decide who to assign tickets to. Helpdesk software automatically assigns tickets to support agents based on the type of ticket. This saves time and effort.
  • Canadian messages. This allows you to save time in responding to specific situations that may arise within the company.
  • Automated response. This can be used to send the same message to multiple people. This could be used to send messages about holidays, outages, and bugs. It can reduce customers’ frustrations over their concerns by setting up responders.
  • FAQs for internal use. Helpdesks enables support teams to create internal documentation where members can share their experiences with a problem, communicate with each other, and update the product. This reduces the chance of errors when communicating information to customers and helps resolve issues.
  • Collaboration. Support agents can ask for help from other agents via the Help Desk interface. This is especially useful for cross-team collaboration and allows other agents to get to know the customers’ concerns. Helpdesks are used to help agents prioritize, review previous agent’s responses, and track the progress of the issue resolution.

How to select the best help desk

When choosing the right help desk for your organization, there are several key considerations. Here are some of these:

  • Cost. Cost. Consider the budget of your organization for helpdesks. The plan should offer the best features and be affordable for the support team. It is best to allow for future expansion of the team if you have a small one. Consider how much it will cost your organization as the team grows.
  • Specifications. Determine the key features that your organization requires in a help desk. Look at the features offered by each plan and determine if they contain the required features. To ensure customer support is efficient, do not compromise any of the essential features.
  • Usability. Helpdesk providers offer a free trial. To help agents help customers more efficiently, helpdesks should be easy to use and intuitive.
  • Integration of apps. Integrating the help desk software with all essential tools will make it easier for your organization to manage and provide customer support. This list will make it easier for companies to integrate their helpdesks.
  • Support. Support is essential for customers. They know how important it is to have good support. A good helpdesk is only as good as its support. Is the provider available to email 24/7 support? What was the response time and how helpful?

Software for small businesses that offer helpdesk support

Small businesses can benefit from helpdesk programs by maximizing the resources they have. These programs enable small and medium-sized businesses to accomplish the following:

  • Building a Knowledge Base. Helpdesks allow businesses to create a custom resource that includes FAQs, information articles, how-to videos, and other useful information. This resource is available to customers who need help and can submit tickets if they are unable to find the answer within the knowledge base.
  • Mobile apps. Mobile apps. Helpdesks now have integrated mobile apps. These apps allow customers to keep track of things even when they’re not at their computers. These apps provide notifications about new tickets and access to customer profiles, as well as the ability to immediately respond to customers’ questions.
  • Automated processes. Automations.

What are the main functions of helpdesk software?

These core features are essential to ensure that the best help desk software is used by organizations for efficient customer support.

  • Analytics. Analytics. Good helpdesks will have analytics that collects information such as response time, wait times, customer feedback, priorities, etc. These programs will also track the performance of support agents and other common issues related to the products or services.
  • Multi-channel support. Helpdesks must provide more than email support. If the company plans to use multiple channels, it should be able to provide tools for live chat and knowledge base support.
  • Integrations. Integrations. Most helpdesks are now compatible with various communication tools and e-commerce.
  • Self-service. This feature is vital as it allows organizations to offer a knowledge base customers can use to find the answers to their questions before they contact, chat or message them via social media.
  • Customization. Customization.
  • Automation suite. An automation suite will make customer support easier and more efficient. Automating simple tasks such as rerouting tickets to the next agent when an agent is absent, enforcing service levels agreements, sending the correct replies and many more should be possible with helpdesks.
  • Collaboration. Collaboration. The support team must meet now and again to exchange ideas, give constructive feedback on the team’s progress, create knowledge base articles, and share their insights. All of these tasks require collaboration. A good helpdesk service should offer.
  • Reporting. Reporting. This also requires a reporting tool to monitor the ticket queue, resolution time and turnaround times of each member of the support team, customer satisfaction, and other factors that can be used to improve customer service.
  • It is easy to use. Take the trial version to see how the helpdesk software functions. After a few days, see how your support team feels. Find one that is suitable for the whole team.