Cyberattacks are said to occur every 39 seconds in the United States, according to recent estimates. Doesn’t it sound impressive? Furthermore, a single attack has the potential to affect millions of people. For example, when Atlanta was hit by ransomware known as SamSam, the city was knocked offline for five days, halting many key city operations. As a result, the total cost of rehabilitation was $17 million.

Hackers can also infiltrate large government organisations on a global scale, resulting in cyberattacks. Russia is using network infrastructure equipment to pave the groundwork for potential attacks on infrastructure such as power plants and energy grids, according to the National Cyber Security Center.

The Increasing Number of Cyberattacks

The startling figures presented above may have you wondering why there has been a rise in the number of cyberattacks. There are many reasons for this.

According to the Brookings Institute, the introduction of 5G networks increases the vulnerability of cyberattacks significantly. Hackers can also use AI and machine learning to launch automated cyberattacks that don’t need human interaction, thanks to cutting-edge technology. This means that cyberattacks can be carried out in large numbers. Furthermore, people have begun to use cloud computing services more often, posing additional cybersecurity risks.

What is Cybersecurity and why is it Important?

Cybersecurity refers to a collection of procedures for preventing and recovering from cyberattacks on computer systems, equipment, networks, and services.

Cybersecurity is concerned with the protection of our confidential data, personally identifiable information, intellectual property, and governmental information systems from theft or harm by criminals.

Because of global connectivity and the widespread use of cloud services, securing personal information and sensitive data has never been more critical. Unfortunately, everybody and everything is vulnerable to a cyber-attack or data breach. However, if you want to lower your risk, take a look at the suggestions below!

Cybersecurity Tips for Students

Update your Software

Ensure that your operating system, browser applications, and apps are all up to date so that bugs and security problems can be addressed. It’s worth noting that out-of-date software on even new machines will put you at risk. As a result, do use automatic updates to make sure you’re running the most stable version. However, remember to check the privacy settings after each update, as they might have changed.

Ensure Malware Protection

Check that all of your computers, including desktops, laptops, and tablets, have an antivirus with anti-phishing support enabled. Set an automated update and virus scanning schedule at least once a week. Since malware can be very complex, antivirus software cannot be able to detect it. As a result, you can instal script- and ad-blocking browser extensions as well.

Think Before Sharing your Research Papers

Being a student is a difficult task that necessitates a lot of work. As a result, college students often try to assist one another by sharing their assignments via email or on special websites. Perhaps you can do the same or simply pay someone to complete your research paper in a matter of days. Whatever method you use to share study materials, be cautious when sharing personal information. Avoid revealing personal information such as your school or team’s name, home address, or phone number.

Use Secure Configurations

Always keep protection in mind when configuring your devices and applications. Remember that many of them come with default “out-of-the-box” settings that prioritise ease of use over data security. As a result, allow security settings, especially those that regulate data sharing, as you instal something on your computer.

Use Networks Wisely

Don’t give out personal or financial information over unsecured public WiFi networks to protect your data. Your data can be easily accessed by anyone in locations with free WiFi, such as coffee shops, libraries, and bookstores. Instead, browse the Internet using the cellular signal on your mobile.

Be Aware of Phishing

Phishing is extremely risky, so always be on the lookout. This means you can avoid opening any email attachments from unknown senders. You should also be careful when downloading attachments if you are expecting emails from your teachers or community members. On the other hand, if you aren’t expecting something, it’s best not to open an email at all.

Create Strong Passwords

Passwords are essential for maintaining your protection. As a result, it’s important to use only powerful passwords. For each account or scheme, you must make it complicated and exclusive. A strong password contains upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols and is at least ten characters long.