When you try to instal a new programme from the Windows app store, you might see Error Code 0x87AF0813. Most of this specific error code exists on mobile devices running Windows 10.

Error 0x87AF0813 happens not only when a new app is installed on your computer, but also when you attempt to upgrade existing applications from the store. We also mentioned several strategies to solve this problem that could help you get rid of it.

Then skip down to the end of this article and see what simple troubleshooting you can do if you have this error code on your PC.

Why am I getting Error code 0x87AF0813?

There are many explanations for the appearance of this error code, but the most important ones are:

  • Internet Connectivity Issue.
  • Pending Update.
  • Not Enough Storage on your Device.

Only a few of the many reasons why you see this error code in the Windows app store are listed above. Now let us know about any simple troubleshooting that you can do to solve this problem right now.

Fixing Windows Store error 0x87AF0813

0x87AF0813 in windows store

In order to correct this error message, we will share 4 methods. If the earlier one doesn’t fit, you can continue with method 1 and skip to the next. So let’s proceed…

Method 1: Check/Change Internet Connection

Checking your internet connection is the first thing you can do. Ensure that you have solid, uninterrupted connectivity.

Move the internet access to Wifi from the Data Connection. For example, if you are currently using Data Link on your computer and face an error of 0x87AF0813, then turn to Wifi Connection to see if the problem is solved. And if you’re still wired to Wifi, then turn to Cell Data.

Method 2: Update your Phone:

See that your phone OS does not have any pending updates available. Dated System several times out since house for separate error codes. An up-to-date infrastructure means that everybody else is up-to-date and not behind you.

So, just go to Settings for this method, then scroll down and tap Upgrade and Protection. Tap the Phone Upgrade icon. If you see an update that is available, simply download the update.

Try installing the software that throws 0x87AF0813 error on your computer to search the windows store again.

Method 3: Cancel Pending Downloads.

If you attempt to import several items at a time, you will be faced with this error message. So go to Downloads, and if you have Downloads Pending in the queue, cancel it all from there.

Now, reopen the Windows app store and continue to uninstall 1 app at a time to see if you already have a problem with 0x87AF0213.

Method 4: Verify Enough Space on your Device.

In order to add a new app or to upgrade existing software, your computer must have enough free space available. So, just go to disc and see if your computer has enough free internal space.

Note to only Download Applications in Internal Storage, if you have activated the Download New Apps feature on your SD Card, then go and change that. You need to download several applications and mount them in Internal Storage only.

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