A service desk model should be a standard part of every company. It explains what to do, and how it is done. While best practices and processes can still be used, models can help non-technical employees understand the process. ITarian has created a simple chart that makes it easy for shareholders and CEOs to understand the Service Desk. You can use it to help you understand things better.

The Model

Below is a chart that shows what the Service Desk should be doing. This can be shown to bosses as well as their bosses. The Service Desk acts as the single point of contact between all other employees. It may be run by someone, but you also have the technicians and end-users. The technicians:

  • Manage incidents and respond to requests
  • You need to have the right knowledge about the system
  • You must be able quickly to solve the problem

End users should have the option to self-help and, if that fails with their problem, they can contact technicians to resolve it. The product not only allows for both but also lets end users create tickets so that they don’t have the need to contact techs at the beginning. Customers are also included in the loop with automated responses.

Administrators can assign technicians to specific problems, and end-users can request specialists if needed. If the tech is already working on the case, this can be helpful. They will continue to work on the same issue until the problem is resolved. SLAs can be kept in our system, and you can do much more.

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