Process Flow

  • Create an up-to-date inventory for production systems (OS types and IP addresses, physical locations etc.
  • Standardization of production systems should be planned to ensure the same OS version and application software.
  • Make a list of all security controls that are in place.
  • Compare the reported vulnerabilities to the inventory and control lists.
  • Assess vulnerabilities, classify risks and assess the likelihood of an attack.
  • Apply the patch.

It can be difficult to navigate the process of patch management, especially when executives aren’t convinced. ITarian understands your struggles and wants to make it simpler. A flow chart is helpful when explaining what patching is and how it works to executives. To help others understand patching’s benefits, we have created a chart.

  • Close loopholes to reduce threats
  • Keep up-to-date on patches that are necessary
  • Being more productive at work
  • There is no need to be late (or come in early) for overtime pay.
  • Securer networks/computers

Learn about the Patch Management Process

Patch management doesn’t come with a one-time setup. You have to maintain it. Our product automates the most tedious parts of your company’s workflow and makes it easier to run smoothly. This chart is useful for executives and other employees to see the importance of each step and what they should be doing.

INVENTORY This stage will allow you to create a list all information systems. It can include:

  • Servers
  • Applications
  • Databases
  • Desktops/Workstations
  • Other networking equipment
EXISTING VULNERABILITIES This stage will help you identify all vulnerabilities in all systems. An inventory can make this even more useful. Also, you should:

  • Determine the most vulnerable systems
  • We provide some details on the vulnerability


Are you currently using a process and policy? You need one if you don’t have one. You may have to modify it.
VIRUSES Patching may be an option if you have more viruses or worms.

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