When you round a number up, the result is always the same as or greater than the original number. If you were calculating the number of employees needed to complete a project, for example, you might want to round up the calculated 6.1 employees to seven, because you can’t have a fraction of a person, and six is too few. The Roundup function in Microsoft Excel achieves this purpose.


In Microsoft Excel, open your business spreadsheet.


Find the cell that needs to be rounded up. Your calculation, for example, could be in “A1.”


In an empty cell, type “Roundup(A1,-1)” without the quotations. Replace “A1” with the cell reference of your choice. The “-1” in the expression instructs the Roundup function to round up to the nearest tenth of a decimal place.


The ROUND function in Excel delivers an integer with a specified number of digits rounded to the nearest whole number. The ROUND function can round decimal points to the right or left.


To round a number to a specific number of digits, use the following formula.


a number that has been rounded


=ROUND (number, num digits) =ROUND (number) =ROUND (number) =ROUND (number


number – The number to round to the nearest whole number.

num digits – The number of digits to round.

a variant

2003 Excel

Notes on Usage

The ROUNDDOWN function takes an integer and rounds it to a specified number of decimal places. As shown in the table below, the number of digits passed to ROUND determines the number of places to round to:

3rd example: nesting inside a ROUND

The ROUND function can be nested inside of other operations and functions. For example, you can use ROUND in a calculation like this to round down the result of A1 divided by B1:

=ROUND(A1/B1,0) = ROUND(A1/B1,0) = ROUND(A1/B1,0) = ROUND(A1/B1,0

The ROUND function can be nested inside any calculation that delivers a numeric value.

Excel’s rounded-off functions

Use the ROUND function to round your numbers normally.

Use the ROUND function to round to the next multiple.

Use the ROUNDDOWN function to round down to the nearest specified point.

Use the FLOOR function to round down to the nearest multiple.

Use the ROUNDUP function to round numbers to the nearest decimal place.

Using the CEILING function, you can round up to the next specified multiple.

Use the INT function to round down and return only an integer.

Use the TRUNC function to trim decimal places.


Numbers 1-4 are rounded down, whereas numbers 5-9 are rounded up.

The ROUND function rounds numbers to a precision level determined by the num digits parameter.

There will be no rounding if a number has already been rounded to the specified number of places.

Round a number

A number is rounded to a specified number of places with the ROUND function. The second option (num digits) specifies the number of places to be used. The calculations below, for example, round 5.86 to…

Round a price to end in .99

The purpose is to round a price to the nearest value ending in.99 in the example presented. If a price is $5.31 right now, the output should be $4.99. Restating the problem is the best approach to think about it.

Round a number to n significant digits

If you don’t have much experience with arithmetic, this formula can be frightening, but let’s take it to step by step. To begin with, when you have a formula like this, where one function (in this example, ROUND) wraps around another…

Excel ROUNDUP Function

The ROUNDUP function in Excel returns a value with a specified number of decimal places rounded up. Unlike normal rounding, ROUNDUP rounds all numbers up, which rounds values less than 5 down.

Excel ROUNDDOWN Function

The ROUNDDOWN function in Excel returns a number that has been rounded to a specific number of decimal places. ROUNDDOWN rounds all numbers down, unlike normal rounding, which only rounds down values less than 5.

Excel ROUND Function

The ROUND function in Excel returns a value that has been rounded to a multiple. MROUND will round a number up or down depending on the closest multiple.

Excel CEILING Function

The CEILING function in Excel rounds up an integer to the nearest multiple provided. CEILING functions similarly to AROUND, however, CEILING always rounds up.

Excel FLOOR Function

The FLOOR function in Excel reduces an integer to the nearest multiple provided. FLOOR functions similarly to AROUND, but it always rounds down.

Excel INT Function

By rounding down to the integer, the INT function in Excel returns the integer portion of a decimal number. It’s worth noting that the INT function rounds negative values down, making them even more negative. INT(10.8), for example, returns 10; INT(-10.8), on the other hand, returns…

Excel TRUNC Function

The TRUNC function in Excel returns a truncated integer based on the number of digits specified (optionally). TRUNC(4.9) returns 4 and TRUNC(-3.5) returns -3, for example. The TRUNC function doesn’t round numbers; instead, it truncates them to the provided length.

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