
When it comes to marketing, there are a variety of different tools available to you. However, sometimes it can be difficult to know what to use and how to best use them. That’s where media tool windows 10 come in. Media tool windows 10 are designed to make it easier for you to create, publish, and track your media campaigns. In this blog post, we will explore some of the key features of media tool windows 10 and how they can help you achieve your marketing goals.

What is a Media Tool Window 10?

A media tool window is a type of windows that is used to manage files and folders. Media tools windows come in different shapes and sizes, allowing you to work with your files in the most efficient way possible. You can also use media tools windows to play music, videos, and photos.

How to Create a Media Tool Window 10?

In this article, we will show you how to create a Media Tool Window 10. This window is used to manage and control the media files in your computer. You can use it to play, organize, and share your media files with others.

To create a Media Tool Window 10:

  1. Open the File Manager by clicking on the Start button and selecting File Manager from the list of options.
  2. In the File Manager window, click on the New Folder button (the folder icon with two dots).
  3. Type “Media” in the New Folder field and click on the OK button.
  4. In the Media folder that has been created, double-click on the “My Pictures” file to open it.
  5. Click on the three lines that appear at the bottom of the My Pictures window to open its toolbar.
  6. Click on the Add/Remove Files toolbar button (the plus sign) to open its menu item list.
  7. Look for and select “Media tool windows.” The Media tool windows window will be added to your toolbar as an available option.
  8. If you want, you can change some of its properties by clicking on its title bar or by using its buttons located along its top border (the three concentric circles). For example, you can change its size or position by using the drag-and-drop feature or by using shortcut keys (Windows key + M, for example).
  9.  If you want, you can add more media files to your Media tool window by clicking on the Add Files button (the + icon) and selecting the folders that contain the files that you want to include in your window.
  10. To close the Media tool window, click on the Close button (the X icon) or on the OK button in the toolbar that appears when you right-click on its title bar.

How to create a Media Tool Window in Windows 10?

In Windows 10, you can create a media tool window to organize and manage your media files. This window is located in the File Explorer taskbar, and it includes tools for adding, editing, and deleting files.

To create a media tool window:

  1. In the File Explorer taskbar, click the windows button (or right-click the file explorer icon on the bottom left corner of your screen).
  2. On the Files tab of the ribbon, click New > Folder.
  3. In the New Folder dialog box, enter Media into the Name field.
  4. Click OK to create the Media folder.
  5. Right-click Media in the Files tab of the ribbon and select New > Tool Window from the menu option.

How to Use a Media Tool Window in Windows 10?

In Windows 10, media tool windows allow you to manage your photos, videos, and music more easily. Here’s how to use a media tool window:

  1. Open the Photos app or Windows Media Player.
  2. Click the menu item that says “New Media Tool Window.”
  3. In the New Media Tool Window dialog box, select the type of media you want to work with (photos, videos, or music).
  4. If you want to open a specific photo, video, or song file, select it from the file list. Otherwise, click the “Choose files” button and browse to the file(s) you want to work with.
  5. To add items to your media library, drag and drop them into the window or use the buttons on the toolbar.
  6. To delete items from your media library, select them and press Delete (or right-click and choose Delete).
  7. When you’re done working with your media tools window, close it by clicking its Close button (or pressing Alt+F4).

What are the Benefits of using a Media Tool Window 10?

One of the great things about Windows 10 is how easy it is to access and use different media tools. This makes it easy to create content, including videos, photos, and documents. Here are some of the benefits of using a media tool window:

  • You can easily create content without having to leave your main work window.
  • You can share your content with others easily via email, social media, or other means.
  • You can use the same tools to create different types of content, such as videos and photos.
  • Your content is automatically saved so you can revisit it later.

What Can You Do with a Media Tool Window?

A media tool window is a type of Windows application that offers users the ability to create, edit, view, and manage files and folders. Media tool windows can be found in the File Explorer shell on Windows 8 and 10 PC’s.

Once you have created a media tool window, you will see a grid of thumbnails on the left side of the window. The grid can be sorted by name, date created or modified, size, or filetype. Clicking on any thumbnail will open the file in its default editor (for example, Microsoft Word if you are viewing a document).

To add a new item to your list of files and folders, click on the “Add” button at the bottom of the screen. You can also drag-and-drop items from your computer’s hard drive onto the media tool window to add them to your list. You can close a media tool window by clicking on the “X” at the top right corner of its main window.


With all of the different devices and platforms we use to communicate today, it can be hard to keep track of which program or software is best for what task. That’s where media tool windows 10 comes in! This free app allows you to manage your photos, videos, and music just like you would on your computer, but from any device that has a web browser. Plus, with its built-in editing features, media tool windows 10 makes creating content easy and fun. Try it out today and see how it can help you organize your life and work smarter!

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