Arduino simulators are the best platform for amateur and professional programmers. It’s just as useful for circuit designers as they can learn circuit design on Arduino simulators. They can also program and check their ideas without any concern about their money and time. There is no risk that the board and computer equipment will be damaged. Circuit design students do not need to buy electrical equipment if they have an Arduino simulator. Arduino simulators have many types and are also compliant with many operating systems. This article includes a list of some of the best Windows-compatible Arduino simulators.

Autodesk Eagle (recommended)


This is an easy-to-use Arduino Emulator, which comes in two versions. The version of Eagle Standart and Eagle Pro can be downloaded from Autodesk’s official website. Some of the important features of this Arduino Simulator are as follows.

  • Organizing designs are simple on Autodesk Eagle because of the ‘Multi-sheet schematics’ feature.
  • It has modular design blocks. It helps you to reuse existing circuit pieces.
  • You have faith in the schematic design because it has an Electrical Rule Check feature With Real-Time Design
  • Synchronization, you can remain in sync between the schematic and PCB layouts.
  • There is a schematic editor available.

Proteus Arduino Simulator


Proteus is one of the easiest and simplest Arduino simulators in the world. From education to the automotive industry to IoT, Proteus has proved to be a very useful Arduino simulator. It is compatible with both Linux and Windows. Proteus simulates interaction between the microcontroller and any digital / analog electronics related to the microcontroller. Some very important devices of this Arduino simulator include the Oscilloscope, the Logic Analyzer, the Function Generator, and the Pattern Generator. You can get the contact tools ready before hardware prototyping via Proteus. Proteus conducts simulations in single step mode mode.

Autodesk Circuits


This Arduino simulator comes with some incredible devices that are easy to use. The simulator helps you to design and test a circuit before actually building a circuit. You can also invite others to work on your projects in real time. Here are some other impressive features of this Arduino Emulator.

  • It provides free resources, including resistors, capacitors and potentiometers.
  • The simulator offers an equally good forum for both beginners and professionals.
  • The beginners will play with the Circuit Scribe or the Electronics Lab. While the PCB Architecture can be used as professionals.
  • You can work and improve your design skills from the Autodesk Circuit developers community as well.
  • Circuits can be planned and replicated, and models can also be printed and exchanged.

Virtronics Arduino Simulator


This Arduino Simulator will show the inner workings of the Arduino sketch and even before you buy the equipment, you can check the sketch. You will show the idea to potential clients. The Simulator comes with a free version and a paid version of the Pro version. You can see the variables in real time. The sketches can be edited or opened in the Arduino IDE. It also goes line by line through the software. Functionalities like If, when, for, turn, do while looping. The program performs digital writing, digital reading, and pin mode 0-53. Some other essential features are included.

  • The software has been developed for Arduino Super, Uno, and more common Arduino boards.
  • Analog read for pins is 0-16 and analog write for digital pins is 0-53
  • Includes Serial, LCD output, Ethernet, Servo, SD card, EEPROM, SoftSerial, SPI, Wire

Electronify Arduino Simulator

Electronify helps you learn simple electronics in different hardware-level languages. It’s useful for those who don’t know much about electronics, and for those who want to learn about hardware systems. So, if you’re interested in the area of electronic communications and embedded systems, you can download this Arduino Emulator. The fundamentals of this area can be learned. You will switch to an advanced level of learning later. Learning to Electronify is simple and easy. This could make you an expert in this area.

Fritzing Arduino simulators

Fritzing helps you to record your designs, share the prototype, produce professional PCB electronics, and teach other people electronics. This is a cheap Arduino emulator, and it has made technology available to everyone. Some of the attractive features for Fritzing group users include Constructing a Circuit, Using a Stripboard, Working with SMD Bits, Making Paper Models, Curvy Wires, and Bendable Legs. So this Arduino Simulator is a heaven for those who are interested in the subject.


I hope you like my list of Arduino simulators. And you can learn circuit design and programming with this list. If you want to offer your input, please use the comment section below. Also, share this article with friends of your programmers.


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