Each year we are more reliant on our smartphones. Even the most basic entry-level smartphone can do amazing things. Our most sensitive data is on our phones, call records, images and bank statements, and login tokens. And overall almost all internet traffic is done through our mobile networks, so the need to have them be thoroughly tested and secured has never been higher. Mobile app testing can include looking for any exploits of our network, data security vulnerabilities, better authentication, and authorization methods. If, for instance, you are implementing a new network infrastructure, or adding new applications then using black box pentesting services is a great way to sniff out any bugs or vulnerabilities. Let’s explore now some other tips and tools we can use to better secure our mobile app.

Understand the limitations of the platform

You have to know where your app is, on what platform, and what are its security flaws. Once you know what platform your mobile app is going to be on you can code with ease. Some platforms better use your user’s geo-location so data vulnerabilities must be taken into account. Also, explore some of the overall habits users have on the platform, which will help you take into account a lot of your app’s vulnerabilities.

Be careful where sensitive data is stored

Try to make sure that any or all sensitive data that your users may have is never stored on the device or your servers. The more sensitive data you have on your server the higher the risk you have of someone breaching it. That’s why using 256-bit encryption for hashing is your best friend. Always test your app with manual penetration, just in case.

Identify Rooted Devices

This one is easy to implement. Any developer worth his/her salt can check if a device is rooted or jailbroken, this is important as those devices are just not as secured anymore. Many of these devices give their users near-unlimited access, especially to the device score filesystem and memory. So you should evaluate all the processes accordingly and with great care.

Let’s use the right tools

Once we used some of the tips above it is extremely important we use the right tools to implement them. So let’s explore some of the most popular tools in use today.

  • QARK – Developed by LinkedIn, it stands for Quick Android Review Kit and it is extremely useful when it comes to detecting security loopholes in the source code within the android’s APK files.
  • Zed Attack Proxy – Widely used by a diverse variety of mobile app testers, especially praised for its simple and clean UI and ease of use. It also helps that it is completely open-source and community-driven.
  • Android Debug Bridge – Developed by google, android is the most popular operating system in the world. More than 85% of all smartphones today use android so using ADB is essential.
  • Kiuwan – A unique tool that supports a wide 360-degree approach to mobile application security testing, wide a wide tech coverage.
  • Micro Focus – A merger between Micro Focus and HPE software gave us this end to and mobile application testing tool that spans across a wide variety of platforms, devices, and types of networks. It is fantastic at identifying vulnerabilities and malicious software
  • CodifiedSecurity – One of the more popular testing tools that gives you real-time feedback and supports multiple file formats that both Android and IOS use (apks, ipas).


Throughout the development part of building up your mobile app, you will encounter countless situations where you will be forced to take into account the security aspect of your next step. Smartphone usage is not just a phase we are going through globally, it is the most convenient way of doing business and leisure. That’s why the security of your app and its reputation is one of its most important aspects and should be taken seriously. Your user’s brand loyalty depends on it.

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