Are you curious about Linux, but hesitant to make the switch from Windows? Fear not! With virtual machine technology, you can easily run a Linux operating system within your Windows environment. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up a Linux virtual machine on Windows 10. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just getting started with programming, this tutorial will help you get up and running in no time! So let’s dive in and explore the fascinating world of Linux VMs together.

What You’ll Need

Before we dive into the step-by-step guide of setting up a Linux VM on Windows 10, let’s first cover what you’ll need to get started.

Firstly, you’ll need a computer running Windows 10 with at least 4GB of RAM and 20 GB of free disk space. This will ensure that your system can handle running both Windows and Ubuntu simultaneously without any lag or performance issues.

Next, make sure that your computer has virtualization enabled in the BIOS settings. Most modern computers already have this feature enabled by default, but it’s always best to double-check before proceeding.

You’ll also need to download and install Oracle VirtualBox, which is a free and open-source virtualization software that allows you to run multiple operating systems on a single machine.

You’ll need to download an Ubuntu ISO file from the official Ubuntu website. We recommend downloading the latest LTS version for optimal stability and security updates.

By having these essential components ready beforehand, you’re well-equipped to proceed with installing Ubuntu on your Windows 10 machine using Oracle VirtualBox.

Installing Ubuntu on Windows 10

Installing Ubuntu on Windows 10 can seem like a daunting task, but with a few simple steps, you can have your Linux VM up and running in no time. The first step is to download the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) from the Microsoft Store. Once downloaded, open PowerShell as an administrator and enter: `Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux`. This will activate WSL on your machine.

Next, search for Ubuntu in the Microsoft Store and select it to install. Once installed, launch Ubuntu from your Start menu or run `ubuntu` in PowerShell. You’ll be prompted to create a new user account and password for your Linux environment.

Once you’ve set up your user account, you’ll have full access to the Ubuntu terminal within Windows 10. From here, you can install any additional packages or utilities that you need using standard Ubuntu command line tools such as `apt-get`.

One thing to note is that while this installation provides access to many of the standard Linux tools and utilities used by developers, some applications may not work properly due to differences between Linux and Windows file systems. However, overall this is an excellent option for anyone needing quick access to a fully-functioning version of Ubuntu without needing another machine or virtualization software.

Configuring Your New VM

Now that you have successfully installed Ubuntu on your Windows 10 machine, it’s time to configure your new VM. This will ensure that your virtual environment is optimized for the intended purpose and provides a smooth experience.

Firstly, make sure to allocate enough memory and storage space to the VM based on its usage requirements. You can adjust these settings from the VirtualBox Manager interface under “Settings” for the newly created VM.

Next, install any necessary software packages or applications required by your project or use case. Use Linux package managers such as apt-get or yum to easily install programs and dependencies.

You may also need to set up network configurations such as IP addresses, DNS servers, or proxy settings depending on how you plan to use the VM. Check with your network administrator if unsure about specific details.

Once everything is configured correctly, take a snapshot of your VM in its current state so that you can revert back if needed later on. This feature ensures that all changes made since creating this snapshot are removed when restored into this previous state.

Configuring a new VM can be daunting at first but following these steps will help make it easier while providing a stable and functional virtual environment tailored specifically for what you need!

Using Your Linux VM

Now that you have successfully installed and configured your Linux VM on Windows 10, it’s time to start using it! The first thing you will notice is the command line interface, which may seem intimidating if you are new to Linux. However, don’t be discouraged as the command line provides a lot of power and flexibility.

One of the most common tasks in Linux is installing software packages. Luckily, Ubuntu has a package manager called apt-get that makes this process very easy. Simply open up a terminal window and type “sudo apt-get install [package name]” where “[package name]” is replaced with the name of the software you want to install.

Another useful feature of Linux is its file system hierarchy. Instead of having different drives like C:\ or D:\ on Windows, everything in Linux can be found under one root directory. This means that all files and directories are organized in a logical manner.

In addition to its powerful command line interface and well-organized file system hierarchy, Linux also offers excellent networking capabilities. You can easily connect your VM to other machines on your network or even set up a web server for testing purposes.

Using your newly set-up Linux VM may take some getting used to but with practice and patience you’ll find it incredibly versatile and powerful compared to other operating systems out there!

Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Now that you have your Linux VM up and running, it’s time to make the most of it. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get started.

Firstly, familiarize yourself with Bash commands. The command line is where you’ll spend most of your time in Linux, so knowing how to navigate directories, create files, and run programs using Bash will save you a lot of time.

Next, consider installing additional packages such as Git or Python for development purposes. You can do this by using the apt-get package manager on Ubuntu.

Another great tip is to enable shared clipboard support between Windows 10 and your Linux VM. This allows you to copy text from one operating system and paste it into the other seamlessly.

Additionally, take advantage of virtual networking capabilities within VirtualBox or VMware Workstation Player. This lets you simulate complex network environments without needing multiple physical machines.

Don’t forget about snapshots! Taking periodic snapshots before making significant changes ensures that if something goes wrong later on, you can easily revert back to an earlier state.

By following these tips and tricks, you can maximize the benefits of having a Linux VM on your Windows 10 machine. Happy computing!


Setting up a Linux VM on Windows 10 can be a valuable tool for developers and IT professionals who want to access the power of both operating systems. With this step-by-step guide, you should now have all the information you need to get started with your own Linux VM.

Remember that while it may seem daunting at first, creating a virtual machine is an excellent way to experiment with different software environments without affecting your main system. By following our guide and using these tips and tricks along the way, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master of both Windows 10 and Linux in no time!

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